Our Eyes Really are the Windows to Our Souls
I had the honor of interviewing Lori Cameron because her and her husband James are hosting the 2nd Annual Magic City Wellness Expo this year on May 15.
Lori is lovely. She is soft spoken, kind, and extremely intelligent. She has her Master’s degree in Herbal Medicine; And degrees in Nutrition, Holistic Iridology, and certifications in Reflexology.
She runs her business ‘Simply Well” in the Billings Heights. Simply Well is a holistic health clinic and educational center devoted to helping people become their best selves. Some of the many services she offers are Negative Ion Detox Therapy, Spa Sessions, Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy, and my personal favorite, Iridology.
In simplest terms, Iridology is an alternative medicine technique that uses the colors, patterns, and various other properties of the iris to assess an individual’s general health. Lori first takes up close photos of each of your eyes and then displays them in full color, on a flat screen so you can see every detail and marking in the iris of your eyes. In Iridology, the eye is broken up into approximately 90 zones that each correspond to a different part of your body. Lori walks you through each part of your iris and how each color and striation reflect different things going on in your body. It honestly is beyond fascinating and I have already made my appointment for my first reading! Just watching the process and listening to her explain everything she sees, I was mind blown.
Want to know the best part? She will be offering this service at the Magic City Wellness Expo!! Lori is also one of the guest speakers and she will be speaking on Overcoming Depression Through Self Compassion. I think this talk is maybe needed now in our world more than ever and I cannot wait to sit in! For more information on the Expo, click here!
The Magic City Wellness Expo is truly a treat and we encourage you and your family to attend. We are so lucky to have such great people willing to come together and help our community live our best, happiest, and healthiest lives!
The Expo is held May 15 at the Billings Hotel and Convention Center, from 10am-5pm. It is only $5 to attend and a donation from the profits will be donated to Montana Home and Private Schools Organization.

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Featured Event:
Magic City Wellness Expo
Saturday, May 15, 2021
4:00 PM— 11:00 PMUTC