New Year's Ambitions

Happy New Year Folks! We are so excited for another year of amazing opportunities to learn about art here at Crooked Line Studio. New teachers, new students and new amazing events are in our horizon and we look forward to sharing them all with you.

What are your art goals?

What we really want to talk about today though is our New Year Ambitions. Did any of you make New Year’s resolutions for 2022? Maybe you decided it’s finally time to get back on the health train and get those booty’s moving again? Perhaps you have savings goals you want to reach? Yikes, maybe you shouldn’t read any further if you have those kinds of goals in mind. Art supplies and savings don’t exactly walk hand in hand.

However, if you made an art goal this year take a seat! Now, statistically speaking only about 8-9% of people actually end up successful and keep to their goals through the year. I mean, let’s face it. After about a month of fighting with yourself to get up and run on that treadmill or eat that quinoa yuck fest of a potato substitute; you start to feel the nagging pulls of your psyche to ease back. After two months, well, if you haven’t quit already let’s be real. You are one Krispy Kreme drive thru away from discarding the whole thing.

When it comes to your ambitious art goals, you can similarly struggle to keep going under the strain of learning something new. Maybe you’re clinging to those art supplies you bought on a whim of excitement by sheer stubbornness now, but before you go giving up on us just yet, here are a few little tips to remember:

-Schedule Your Art Time: Much like our health goals, scheduling the time you spend on art will hold you accountable to your own goals, while also dramatically reducing any stress tagging along your art journey ride. Putting on soothing music likewise can make those moments you do have with your art truly magical.

Examples of Thumbnail Sketches…They DON’T have to be perfect drawings.

-Let’s Think Smaller: Trying to sketch or paint along with those 30 day art challenges might be too much of a strain on your poor unused art muscles right now. Let’s try thinking smaller. Maybe, try working on quick thumbnail sketches to get those juices flowing and only doing one detailed sketch/painting/sculpture etc. a month, until you get used to spending the time. You can always to more, but starting with small goals keeps you from feeling overwhelmed to participate all the time.

-Take a Class! Of course we would recommend this one, but the proof is in the pudding here folks. Finding a class you can take to learn whatever art medium you want to learn has a huge benefits. Not only would taking a class be your monthly or weekly sprint towards your art goals, but it’s also the place where you can gather around people who can give you the one thing you are probably also struggling with…a little self love. There is nothing as wonderful to experience than the laughter and good times around an art studio easel.

-Lastly, Let’s Get Real With Our Mistakes: We’d be remiss if we didn’t talk about our slips ups and failures and make no mistake…they will happen. Maybe the painting you had been dying to do just did NOT come out like you imagined. Matter of fact…you’re completely horrified you could create something that ugly. I’m here to tell you…it happens to us all. Ugly art is just a part of the whole art process. Think of it like purging. You actually have to create the ugly artwork to cleanse it from your system. DON’T GIVE UP! Try again…and again…and again. We learn so much from what we don’t like about what we do. You will too and I hope you’ll share the huge smile on your face with us.

With these tips in mind, all of us here at Crooked Line Studio are rooting for you every step of the way and are wishing you and your families the very best 2022. Don’t forget to stop in to see us and share all your highs and lows and remember…everyone can draw a crooked line.

Happy New Year from Crooked Line Studios!

1206 24th Billings, MT

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