Urban Sketch: Indoor Spaces with John Kennedy

Feb 10, 2023 at 9:00 aM

The urban sketchers motto is “We show the world, one drawing at a time!” Across the world thousands upon thousands of people are embracing the urban sketching movement, to share their love of the places they live and travel through their art.

And it doesn't stop in the winter months. Indoor spaces can provide unique opportunities for sketching; whether it be from coffee shops, public spaces, your kitchen table, or the view out your living room or car window. The tools, strategies, and inspiration are the same; but indoor spaces can be challenging in a number of ways.

In this short course we'll explain more about what urban sketching is (and is not), and provide some basic guidance to give you the confidence to get out there and sketch the scene in front of you. You need not be a practiced architectural drafts-person or artist to enjoy this pastime. You simply need to enjoy the feel of a pencil or pen in your hand and the wonderful marks it can leave on a piece of paper, the appreciation of color and shadow and light, and the enthusiasm to try to capture it in your sketchbook.

And, most importantly, a desire for a more memorable connection to your world.

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