Spay & Neuter Clinic
apr 22-23, 2023
Low Cost Spay and Neuter Clinic at the Expo Center by Circle 2 Rescue
Call this number to make an appointment or more information: 406-598-9781
Circle 2 Rescue is partnering with Yellowstone County and Spay Montana for this Spay/Neuter Clinic at the Metra in Billings Montana!
**Call (406) 598-9781 to schedule appointments! Facebook link here
Circle 2 Rescue is a 501C3 Non-Profit EIN 46-5571283
Please donate to help us cover costs of this clinic so we can do MORE clinics!
We are paying $6,000 EACH day for 5 Vet Teams plus their hotel. You can donate via
Venmo: @Circle-Rescue-1 Paypal: or Mail to Circle 2 Rescue PO Box 331, Billings, MT 59103