Commonplace Book with John Kennedy
apr 18, 2024 at 1:00 PM
Commonplace Books have been around for centuries. John Locke's "Method for keeping Common-Place-Books" was published in 1685. A Commonplace Book is a book of your life and is traditionally handwritten. They may include handwritten notes, quotations, drawings, or magazine clippings. It is a place for a creative to store inspiration or ideas, and to organize them in a way so as to ensure accessibility. As an artist and writer, I use a Commonplace Book as a place to store things I run across every day, ideas that I want to put into practice, and information that I may want to retrieve at some point in the future. A Commonplace Book is not a Journal, it is not a Diary, it is not a Sketchbook. It is your own personal library of information that matters to you. And when you are staring at that blank page, or that white computer screen, it is place to go for inspiration and ideas. In this short course we'll discuss the structure of a Commonplace Book, and some ideas about book content. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own pile of notes, clippings, and creative thoughts and ideas so you can start your book during the class; and the enthusiasm to keep building it once you leave. Whatever your passion, be it art or writing, jewelry, sewing, or craft, a Commonplace Book is a great way to keep inspiration close at hand.