Country Gospel Music Association - Western USA Convention
June 7-12, 2021 at 6:00 PM
25 GLORIOUS YEARS! As of May 17, 2021 CGMA will complete 25 full years as an association.
Four Continental Conventions are scheduled for 2021. Each will follow the basic format listed herein unless the Lord or extenuating circumstances, dictate otherwise. 42 regular awards will be presented at each Silver Heart Award’s Celebration on Saturday night. Membership ballots will determine who receives them. The home office will also recognize and award certain members. CGMA awards give the members an opportunity to honor and endorse one another. We do not engage in competition, or sponsor contests.
CGMA conventions are not about awards. Each convention is meant to be a time of collectively loving the Lord and bonding together, in order to strengthen and advance each other’s ministries.
It is also an occasion for being a blessing to the hosting persons and the location of each convention. The Lord has used CGMA conventions to spiritually change churches, communities and towns. So let’s be careful to witness and be a blessing wherever we go. Life is swiftly passing us by.
Membership applications are available for anyone interested in uniting with us. CGMA has never advertised for members. We praise the Lord for the over 7500 members, He Himself, has brought to us. Convention attendance is open to public.
This association is dedicated to the ministry of music. We have no ulterior motives or organizational ambitions. CGMA is a servant to the artists we represent, and the ministry of Country Gospel music. May the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ be advanced by our collective efforts in 2021.
Sing ‘N’ Share 5:00 p.m.
The convention officially begins with our first introduction of the artists and their ministries.
Loving the Lord 10:00 a.m.
Dedicated time of worship
Teach N’ Train 2:00 p.m.
Classes in ministry and music related subjects as requested
Category Time 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday night will feature Children’s Ministry, Acappella, Acappella Ensemble, Whistler,
Yodeler, Signing Interpreter, Producer, Media Personality, Manager, Promoter.
Loving the Lord 10:00 a.m.
Dedicated time of worship
Teach N’ Train 2:00 p.m.
Classes in ministry and music related subjects as requested
Category Time 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday night will feature Servant, Comedian, Reciter, Lyricist, Pioneer, Psalmist,
Bluegrass, Evangelist, Bilingual, Traditional Country Gospel Artist.
Loving the Lord 10:00 a.m.
Dedicated time of worship
CGMA Parley Lunch 12:30 noon
A time of celebration, sharing & planning.
Category Time 5:00 p.m.
Thursday night will feature Songwriter, Full Time Songwriter, Mentor, Shepherd, Drama,
Duo, Instrumentalist, Acoustical Instrumentalist, Vocal Group, Band.
Loving the Lord 10:00 a.m.
Dedicated time of worship
Ordination Ceremony: 5:00 p.m.
A ceremony to honor those who have received their certification for ordination.
Category Time 5:00 p.m.
Friday night will feature the final 10 categories... Young Performer, Teenage Performer,
Male New Artist, Female New Artist, Male Vocalist, Full Time Male Vocalist,
Female Vocalist, Full Time Female Vocalist, Male Entertainer, Female Entertainer.
CGMA Family Time
Free time to enjoy the area and spend time with your CGMA family
Planning session 4:00 p.m.
All artists gather to work out details for the Awards Celebration
Silver Heart Awards 5:00 p.m.
The Grand Finale of the convention features the 2019 Award Recipients (there was no convention in 2020), special guests, and the presentation of 42 Silver Heart Awards.
Convention Expenses: Every discount possible is utilized to keep the cost down, both for the members and the association. Please understand that no one receives a salary and we never charge our members for anything other than what we sell on our tables and program ads. Willing-heart offerings are received each night to cover the expenses. Your financial assistance will be greatly appreciated and Divinely rewarded.
Convention Focus:: The convention focus is always as spiritual as possible. Let’s take a sincere interest in one another, spend time loving His wonderful heart and seeking to become a reflection of His presence.
More Info ⟫
Location: New Hope Church of the Nazarene, 25 Hilltop Road, Billings, MT 59105