Things to Do at Home During the Coronavirus Crisis with your Family
Happiness is Homemade and now that we’re soaking up extra quality time with our loved ones we wanted to put together a list of fun activities to keep your household busy.
Arts & Crafts:
- Have you ever wondered what your hobbies might be? Now is the perfect time to explore your inner picasso! Get some canvases and paint family portraits or something abstract for that empty wall you’ve been wanting to fill! Don’t have canvases? Use paper plates or old toilet paper rolls! Get creative with items around the house to make fun DIY craft projects! (Youtube & Pinterest have endless ideas for this if you’re stumped on what to make!)
Start an Indoor Garden:
- Did you know you can convert your backyard (if there is no snow) or your kitchen into a mini-grocery aisle? All you need is a few basic tools & seeds! Head over to your nearest grocery store and find veggies and spices that are suitable for your home. Look into how to plant and properly care for each veggie you want to home grow and watch as they begin to thrive! This is a fun activity to do with your kiddos! You can also replant indoor plants from ones at the grocery store or hardware store. Maybe plant some succulents into old food cans that you’ve decorated or re-paint old pots you have before planting!
Create & Send Greeting Cards:
- In these trying times we all need someone to assure us that everything is going to be okay, and that someone could be you and your family! Reach out on social media for addresses or use your mailing list from past Christmas cards or Wedding invites.
- Use printing paper and fold, and have the kids create fun designs on them! Write a heartfelt message on this inside to let them know you’re thinking of them. Maybe add a gentle reminder for them to wash their hands :)
Sort your Photos & Create a slideshow:
- Create a fun “home movie” for your next movie night! (Which we know is like every night right now) Gather and organize all of the family photos on your computer and put together a fun slideshow! Bonus point if you add music! Photos take us through a journey in time and are great reminders of what is really important right now! Family and good health! (There are easy online platforms and even phone apps that allow you to make slideshows if you don’t already have Microsoft programs or other download)
Create an In-House Gymnasium:
- Let's put some of that pent up energy to use! If daily walks aren’t quite doing it then here are some easy things you can do to keep the kiddos moving and busy:
- Use your couch pillows as landing places for simple cartwheel exercises. You can also join two couches facing each other and create a mini playground. Just remember to keep a close eye- they can get too creative!
- You can also place pieces of red (or any color) cloth and pretend to be ‘hot lava’. Kids are afraid of hot lava! Have them jump the ‘lava’ in order to get a reward. Place cushions around the ‘hot lava’ as a safe landing point.
Do Puzzles and Games:
- We are sure you’ve got a couple of kids games shelved up somewhere. This is the time to bring them all out and have a major fun day. Kids love games and you can never go wrong with that. Look for fun games that are extremely stimulating and would create a fun environment rather than a competitive one (we’re avoiding small fights here).
Become a kid again… make a blanket fort or camp inside:
- Get all of your sheets and blankets together to make the ultimate fort! Gather christmas lights and string them along the inside and outside! Have your TV or laptop on the inside and have a movie night with popcorn!
- Have a tent? Surprise your kids and set it up inside! When they wake up let them know you’re camping! Grill hot dogs and burgers or some chili and enjoy outside of the tent! Tell stories “by the fire” and Roll out the sleeping bags and sleep “under the stars” or in the tent! You can put on nature sounds for extra effects when bedtime arrives!
Adopt a dog or cat:
- You know your kids have been begging for a dog and cat. But you’ve always said there is simply not enough time to train them right now. Well now’s your chance and now more than ever shelters are needing your help! Bringing home a new “fur baby” will be the perfect thing to keep EVERYONE busy. Create daily tasks to assure every family member is taking care of this new pet and help them with training tasks!