Holiday Happenings at the ZooMontana

What's happening around the ZooMontana this December?

Starting this weekend you can enjoy the ZooLights! (All new LED Lights too!)

Take a drive on the wild side this holiday season and enjoy ZooLights at ZooMontana. Cars, trucks and buses can drive through a section of the Zoo so the passengers can enjoy the delightful holiday light display while listening to some festive music!

When: December 7, 8, 14, 15, 19-24, 26, & 27 - 6:00pm-9:00pm

Cost: Admission to ZooLights is $10 per car, $15 per van and $20 per bus. Zoo members receive $2 off admission.

Presenting sponsor: KULR8

You can also Christmas shop at their WildSide Gift Shop

Monday- Sunday 10AM-2PM

AND Come out to the Zoo for Christmas Tree Recylcing! After the Holiday celebration bring your tree out to the zoo where it will be turned into mulch for various uses!

For More information on the Zoo: