Hardy Plants to Survive Billings Weather with Liz Francis

Hardy Plants to place around your home that will survive Montana Weather with Liz Francis

Gardening in Montana can have its challenges. With unpredictable weather, temperatures dropping a degree a minute can make soil so cold that roots quickly shrivel. Winds can push and crack trees & our neighborhood critters, like elk or deer, rabbits, and voles, tend to LOVE our garden treats. So how can we keep up with our crazy weather?

Perennials! They will become your new best friend!

Build your garden around hardy, resourceful plants that can stand up to nature when it is being a bully.


-lily of the valley

-blue spruce

-wintergreen boxwood


-coral bells



Ornamental Grass is another easy plant that easily brings rich texture to your garden landscape and is nice low maintenance in the summer as well! 

-pampas grasses

-maiden grasses

-ravenna grass


-little bluestem grasses

-fountain grasses

-feather reed grasses

-blue oat grass

Where can you find these low-maintenence, Montana surviving plants? 

-Garden Avenue Greenhouse & garden Center

-Jim’s Jungle Garden Center

-Sylvan Nursery & Landscaping

-Canyon Creek Nursery

-Gainan’s Nursery

-Home Depot/ Lowe’s